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Welcome! We're so happy you're here.


Our organization, BEDROOMS ARE FOR PEOPLE, is made up of a small group of thoughtful, committed residents who believe we can help make Boulder a more inclusive, affordable and welcoming place to call home. 


now more than ever, we need to do what we can to take care of each other. 


We hope you join us. 

With Love,

Bedrooms Are For People


The Problem

In most of Boulder, it is illegal for more than three unrelated people to live together. For example, this means that in most of Boulder it is illegal for four unrelated people to live together in a four-bedroom house. It doesn't matter how big the house is, how old the residents are, or if the owner lives in the home.


Some Reasons Why this is a Problem


Our Solution

Our Solution

Instead of only allowing three unrelated people to live together, we believe a simple, common-sense change would be to allow one person living in each bedroom of a home. After all, bedrooms are for people. 

Our specific ballot language:

Shall the City of Boulder expand access to housing by allowing all housing units to be occupied by a number of people equal to the number of legal bedrooms, plus one additional person per home, provided that relevant health and safety codes are met?

put simply....

Our initiative would make it so that up to four unrelated people would be allowed to live together in a three-bedroom house, up to five unrelated people would be allowed to live together in a four-bedroom house. Etcetera.



Our measure does not impose any new restrictions on any groups — it only EXPANDS housing options for everyone. Our ballot measure would not affect traditional families. Traditional families are already allowed to have an unlimited number of people living together, and those guaranteed federal legal protections for families will remain the same when our measure passes.

it's a  small but  mightystep in the right direction.

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Join the Cause! 

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We'd love for you to join our team! We can only succeed if passionate people like yourself pitch in, so click the link below to get started! No previous experience is required! We can't wait to work together! 



If you support this cause & want to see Boulder's oppressive occupancy laws overturned then please donate what you can today. Your generosity will fund the critical needs of the campaign that are essential for success. No amount is too small. 


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Some Reasons Why this is a Problem

we'd love to hear from you

Bedrooms are for people 

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