By Sam Lounsberry. Originally published in the Daily Camera on January 9, 2019.
"Boulder City Council pushed back Tuesday on a suggestion from the newly formed Housing Advisory Board to explore possibly altering occupancy limits for the city’s dwellings.
But council members were receptive to another of the board’s urges: analyze strategies to potentially allow tiny homes within Boulder, a move council members indicated they would like to explore this year as part of their effort to adopt a manufactured housing strategy.
Solidifying a guide for preserving existing manufactured housing and development of new mobile home parks, 'including increasing opportunities for resident-owned parks,' tied for the third-ranked initiative council wants to take up this year ahead of their retreat next week at which they will solidify an agenda for 2019, according to council documents from Tuesday’s meeting.
Lyons on Monday finalized approval of a rule making it the region’s first municipality to allow tiny homes on wheels to sit on residential properties in town.
But because discussing Boulder’s occupancy limits — which vary between separate zoning districts, and allow no more than four unrelated adults to live together in any zones — is considered a political question by council, and one that doesn’t fall under the umbrella of any of its priorities for the year, council considered the idea outside of its work plan’s scope for the year."