By Deborah Swearingen. Orginally published in the Daily Camera on June 18, 2021.
"Former Boulder City Councilmember Jan Burton commissioned a survey that indicates housing and homelessness and the climate continue to be some of the top priorities for Boulder residents....
The survey was informed by a 2016 survey that was commissioned by the Daily Camera and conducted by Bob Drake of Drake Research & Strategy Inc. However, that one focused on the city’s efforts to form a municipal electric utility, while the more recent survey is more wide-reaching.
Results from the 2021 survey, conducted by Drake’s firm, are based on 406 telephone interviews of active Boulder voters that were conducted from May 25 to June 1.
Quotas were established to obtain appropriate representation for gender, political party and age among registered voters in Boulder. Results of the survey are also balanced by ethnicity, age and political party to more appropriately represent Boulder demographics, according to the survey methodology...
Since serving on the Boulder City Council, Burton said she’s been involved with local political groups and in working to get City Council members elected...
...The survey respondents also indicated support for Bedrooms Are For People, a ballot measure seeking to change Boulder’s occupancy limits to allow more unrelated people to live together. Some 75% of the people surveyed said they’d vote in favor of the measure."