March for Change!
Volunteer Organizing
Hello, Bedrooms Are For People Organizers & Supporters! We’ve learned that when we all post the same link at the same time, the social media algorithms make it so that our reach and impact is a lot bigger! We want this march to be really successful so that we can continue to demonstrate the need for this change and to help ensure that a temporary suspension on enforcement is enacted. This would be a short-term win that will protect those who are living over-occupied, and just make our community better!
To Make it Happen, Here’s What We’re All Going to Do:
On Thursday, September 10th, at 12:30pm we are each going to post about the march from all of our personal social media accounts. Twitter, Facebook, Insta, Snapchat, TikTok, etc. All of them 😍
What to Include in Your Posts:
The link to our march page so that people can “RSVP & get critical march updates”. Link is
Include an image! If you want to include an image, we have made many cool graphics to choose from. Select one from this folder!